

Monday, January 11, 2021

Mozambique: Police commander asks youths to ‘resist temptations’ to join rebels

MAPUTO, Mozambique

The Commander-general of the Mozambique police, Bernardino Rafael, has asked young Mozambicans to resist the temptations to join the rebel groups that have been leading attacks in northern Mozambique.

Young people resist the temptations of terrorists. Resist all types of addiction, all in defence of your homeland,” said Bernardino Rafael, during a visit to Matemo Island, in Cabo Delgado province, quoted on Monday by Televisão de Moçambique.

Without going into details, Rafael also said that the Defence and Security Forces had managed to frustrate four attempts by insurgent groups to occupy Matemo Island.

"We have come to say thank you very much for the resistance of the residents of Matemo who have always won. Continue to embrace your Defence and Security Forces in defence of this island,” said Bernardino Rafael.

"Nobody is going to make us abandon this homeland because we do not have another one, this is ours,” the commander-general stressed.

The armed violence in Cabo Delgado, where the largest private multinational investment in Africa is taking place, for the exploitation of natural gas, began three years ago and is causing a humanitarian crisis with more than 2,000 deaths and 560,000 displaced people, without housing or food, mainly concentrated in the provincial capital, Pemba.

Some of the incursions have been claimed by the jihadist Islamic State group since 2019.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will meet this month to discuss the region’s security situation.

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