

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Tanzania's opposition party to revamp tax laws, to be citizens' friendly

By Our Correspondent, MBEYA Tanzania

Tanzania’s main opposition party (CHADEMA) has promised that under its government, traders and business people will pay taxes that they can afford and not the current situation whereby people pay what the Tanzania Revenue Authority wants them to pay.

CHADEMA Presidential candidate, Tundu Lissu

Addressing a massive campaign rally at Mbalizi town at the launch of campaigns for the party’s Mbeya Rural constituency candidate Joseph Mwasote, the CHADEMA Presidential candidate, Tundu Lissu, said his government would deliver a new constitution under which all political powers will rest upon the people and not the leaders.

He promised to review Tanzania’s tax laws with a view to making them friendly to payers. He said the current tax regime is too rigid and discourages instead of encouraging people to start businesses.

“Within 100 days in office I will ensure that a bill is tabled in Parliament and tax laws are revamped for the benefit of tax payers,” he declared.

Lissu who doubles as the party Vice Chairman told the gathering that best practices in tax collection is collecting modest amounts from as many payers as possible, “not squeezing just a small group to pay more while the majority do not pay,” he stated.

He emphasized that if he wins next month’s general election, his government will not restrict farmers in the sale of their produce locally and across borders.

He said it is unfair that the government provides little or no extension services and then pops up during the harvest with restriction on sales in the name of food security.

Under his government farmers will receive adequate extension services which is their right, but the state will not interfere with the sale of produce which the farmers will do freely as they wish, the candidate declared.

Lissu said his government will put in place a proper mechanism to facilitate exports of not only cash crops but also cereals that are needed by other countries.

“The government will facilitate the export of our surplus produce so that our farmers can earn enough money to improve their standards of living,” he told the rally.

He also amplified the need to create special economic zones in border regions like the Southern Highlands to promote and facilitate export of cereals and other produce to neighbouring countries.

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