

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Kabila Insists On Withdrawal Of UN Troops From DRC


Joseph Kabange Kabila a Senator for Life and former President of the DRC has again voiced his demands asking the United Nations troops under the Stabilisation Mission in DRC to leave the Congolese territory.

On Saturday, Kabila met with Leila Zerrougui the special representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) in the DRC- their exchanges revolved around the current political and security situation in Congo-Kinshasa.

According to a source, Kabila also raised questions relating to the mandate of the UN Mission in the DRC.

Last week on Wednesday, Leila Zerrougui also held discussions with the President of the Senate, Alexis Thambwe-Mwamba, on security issues in eastern DRC and the joint strategy on the responsible withdrawal of UN troops from Congolese territory.

Kabila has always campaigned for a departure of MONUSCO at short notice. The eastern provinces are experiencing a worrying wave of violence. The influence of the former president on the security apparatus is as remarkable as ever.

Congolese national assembly is resuming business next week. The house is is likely to be explosive despite the fact that the session is primarily budgetary. Several debates are expected in this parliament dominated by the political family of Senator Vie: electoral reforms, the future office of the CENI, the follow-up to the appointments of new constitutional judges, parliamentary control, etc. And Joseph Kabila has his say.

According to a source, Kabila also raised questions relating to the mandate of the UN Mission in the DRC.

Last week on Wednesday, Leila Zerrougui also held discussions with the President of the Senate, Alexis Thambwe-Mwamba, on security issues in eastern DRC and the joint strategy on the responsible withdrawal of UN troops from Congolese territory.

Kabila has always campaigned for a departure of MONUSCO at short notice. The eastern provinces are experiencing a worrying wave of violence. The influence of the former president on the security apparatus is as remarkable as ever.

Congolese national assembly is resuming business next week. The house is is likely to be explosive despite the fact that the session is primarily budgetary. Several debates are expected in this parliament dominated by the political family of Senator Vie: electoral reforms, the future office of the CENI, the follow-up to the appointments of new constitutional judges, parliamentary control, etc. And Joseph Kabila has his say.

Kabila’s meeting with Zerrougui is a signal that the security situation in the Eastern DRC is expected to take centre stage on the floor of the national assembly.

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