

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Tanzania Anti-graft body put 'under scrutiny' over corrupt deals

By Our Staff Correspondent, DODOMA Tanzania

The President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, has put the country’s Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) under scrutiny following acts of irregularity in constructions estimations and embracement of unethical deals.

Speaking during the launch of new PCCB offices for Chamwino District, Magufuli said that despite the good job done by the bureau to fight corruption in the country, there are some few officers within who are tarnishing the image of the agency by engaging in illegal actions.

He noticed irregularities in the high cost of the office he launched, the proposed construction of another office in Chato district and application of double standard when it comes to dealing with corruption related cases that involves officials within organ.

According to the PCCB Director General, Brigadier General John Mbungo, the Chamwino district office construction cost 143 million shillings ($61,664) instead of 40 million shillings ($17,248) according to the President.

The President directed the bureau’s head to investigate the matter and take stern measures against those who are working against the government’s ethical guidelines, thus commissioning the loss of public funds.

“Whenever someone within PCCB is found engaging in corrupt incidents, stern measures should be taken against him/her. I have noticed acts of irregularity even in the building which I am launching today, the fair cost of the office should be at least 40 million shillings not the 143 million shillings that it is said to have cost.” He said.

"I have noticed acts of irregularity even in the
building which I am launching today, the fair
cost of the office should be at least 40 million
 shillings not the143 million shillings that
it is said to have cost.” said Magufuli

He also ordered transfer of planned Chato district office construction to Kongwa district noting that his home district (Chato) has a storey office building. “I have heard here that you are planning to construct a new office in Chato, while the area already has the office, so the construction plans should stop because this is misuse of funds.” he said.

Earlier, General Mbungo said that the Chamwino building is among seven newly built office premises in various districts.

“The government issued 1bn/- for the construction of seven PCCB office buildings. These include Chamwino and Mpwapwa in Dodoma Region, Manyoni in Singida Region, Masasi in Mtwara Region, Namtumbo in Ruvuma Region, Ruangwa in Lindi Region and Ngorongoro in Arusha Region. All the buildings have been completed.” General Mbungo told the gathering.

Chato PCCB district office

Mbungo said that anti-graft body is holding over 190 billion shillings  related to suspicious transactions whose fate is yet to be determined; attached 41 palatial residences, 75 high-end vehicles, 47 plots as well as 13 farms for suspicions of irregular acquisition, from proceeds of corruption.

In the past five years, the bureau managed to rescue a total of 273.38 billion shillings including funds meant for farmers and five plots.

It retaken public properties that were sold inappropriately to private institutions and individuals including 98 houses, buildings, along with 23 farms, 298 plots, three companies and 69 warehouses. - Africa

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