

Monday, June 8, 2020

Tanzania opposition leader sustained a fractured leg in an assailants’ attack

By Our Correspondent, DODOMA Tanzania

The national Chairman of Tanzania main opposition party (CHADEMA) and leader of opposition in the national Assembly, Freeman Mbowe, was attacked by unknown assailants at night on Tuesday, 09 June 2020.

Freeman Mbowe

The opposition party said through its official twitter account that Mbowe who is the Member of Parliament for Hai in Kilimanjaro region, was attacked by unknown assailants when he was returning home in the capital city of Dodoma.

“The national chairman for Chadema and leader of opposition in in the national assembly, Freeman Mbowe has been attacked and injured by unknown assailants when he was returning home in Dodoma. He has been rushed to the hospital for treatment. We will update you accordingly,” the party twitted at 3:54 AM on Tuesday, 09 June 2020.

According to the Dodoma regional Police Commander, Gilles Murotohas sustained a fractured right leg after attack by three unknown people. “Freeman Mbowe was attacked by three people who beat him severely fracturing his right leg.” Confirmed RPC Muroto.

He said that his force is investigating the incident and that it should not be used for political mileage.

The attack on the chief opposition leader comes when Tanzanians have not forgotten of the September 2017 incident whereby former Singida East Member of Parliament and opposition chief-whip, Tundu Lissu, miraculously escaped an assassination attempt when he was shot by unknown gunmen. 

Dodoma regional Police
Commander, Gilles Muroto

He was rushed to a Nairobi hospital before being transferred to Belgium for further treatment.

Reports had it that the gunmen, whose number could not be ascertained, had tailgated Lissu’s car as he was being driven home for lunch after parliament’s morning session.

The attack occurred after his car had arrived in front of his home when the assailants parked their car alongside his and proceeded to set off a hail of bullets, pumping several slugs into his abdomen, legs and arms.

No suspect was arrested in connection with the attack and the police has not issued and productive report.

Tanzania is set to hold its general elections later this year to elect President, Members of Parliament and Ward Councillors. - Africa

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