

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

TANZANIA: Attacked Opposition leader Airlifted to Dar es Salaam hospital

DODOMA, Tanzania

The Chairman of Tanzania’s main opposition party (CHADEMA) and leader of opposition in the National Assembly, Freeman Mbowe, who was attacked last night by unknown assailants has been airlifted to the commercial city of  Dar es Salaam where he is expected to undergo further treatment.

According to the party’s Chief-whip, Ester Bulaya, the outspoken politician suffered a broken leg as result of the attack which police say they are investigating.

“We are flying him on a chartered plane to Dar es Salaam for further examination and treatment.” Said Bulaya adding that this is the continuation of attacks against opposition leaders at their homes in Dodoma, the development that is unacceptable.

It is, however, unclear which hospital the opposition leader is taken to as party officials have maintained silence over his next destination.

At the Dodoma hospital several party cadres, friends, relatives were seen as Mbowe was about to board a waiting ambulance to the airport.

Earlier in the day several top government officials official such as Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, Speaker Job Ndugai, Deputy Speaker Tulia Ackson and Dodoma Regional Commissioner visited the injured opposition leader at his hospital bed where he is nursing a fractured right leg.

The Speaker of national assembly has called upon security organs to expedite investigations because the longer they take the more they leave it to speculation.

He reassured legislators who are meeting in Dodoma that the city was safe and he believes that by tomorrow evening Police will have something to say about the attack.

Earlier today, the CHADEMA Secretary General, John Mnyika, challenged the Dodoma Regional Police Commander, Gilles Muroto, to investigate thoroughly and arrest the attackers as he said that it was a normal attack like others.

“How did the RPC know that the brutal attack against key opposition leader is normal like others happening in Dodoma city? Let him arrest the suspects and arraign them to court.” Mnyika said.

He further said that after failed assassination attempt of former opposition Chief-whip, Tundu Lissu, in September 2017 the government thereafter, amended the law that now forbids formation of political parties’ security groups.

Mbowe who used to have government security detail as leader of opposition in the national assembly, did not have the guards at the time of attack as they were removed by government some weeks ago. - Africa

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