

Thursday, May 7, 2020


By Our Correspondent, Shinyanga TANZANIA

Tanzania Police has nabbed a Member of Parliament for Kishapu constituency, Suleiman Nchambi, in unlawful possession of 16 guns and some kilograms of unidentified wild animal’s meat.
Member of Parliament for Kishapu constituency, Suleiman Nchambi
The Shinyanga Regional Police Commander, Debora Magiligimba told reporters here yesterday that the Member of Parliament was arrested on Sunday May 3 at his home in Lubaga area, Shinyanga municipality.

The commander said that the arrest of the lawmaker was made by the Criminal Investigations Department task force led by detective, David Msangi and wildlife officer, Perfect Mbwambo.

The MP who is also the member of ruling party (CCM) was found with 16 weapons, which he was using to conduct illegal hunting at Negezi in Kishapu District, using a Nissan Hard-top with registration number T 760 DSD, the RPC specified.

“The task force searched his house and found 16 weapons and 35kg of alleged bush meat kept in a freezer. They also found a shotgun with registration number 46092 kept in a car,” she elaborated.

In his bedroom, detectives found 15 weapons identified as Airgun-Tzcar 87342, Tzcar 63729 Rifle, Tzcar 77325 Rifle, Tzcar 87636 Markiv, Tzcar 65673 Rifle, Tzcar 72731 Rifle and Tzcar 87342 Airgun.
Shinyanga Regional Police Commander, Debora Magiligimba, displaying the weapons to reporters
Others were Tzcar 53933 Rifle, Airgun Cz 455 Rifle, Cz 537-2 Rifle, 978836- Mod 151 Shotgun and Pistol Browning number 061738.

“The suspect was also found with 536 rounds of ammunition.” Commander Magiligimba further noted.

Preliminary investigations show that ten out of the 16 weapons were illegally owned.

 “We have already sent samples of the meat to the Chief Government Chemist to find out if it is normal or bush meat,” she said.

She said that the suspect will be taken to court to face charges and warned other people to stop engaging in criminal acts which include possessing illegal weapons contrary to the law of the land. - Africa

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