

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Isolation, a Tanzania’s downfall – Former Minister

Former Foreign Minister of Tanzania, Bernard Membe
By Joyce Kisaka, Dar es Salaam TANZANIA
Defying the World Health Organization (WHO) and refusing to cooperate with global and regional partners in the fight against the Corona virus will cost Tanzania astronomically, the Former Foreign Minister of Tanzania, Bernard Membe has said.
“We will be denied funds,  tourism will fall, flights will not come, investors will be told not to come to Tanzania and we could even be sanctioned,” Membe told this publication. 
Everyone, he warned, is unhappy with the way Tanzania is fighting the pandemic including the WHO, East African Leaders, SADC Leaders, African Union (AU), the IMF/ World bank, European countries, the United States as well as China.
President John Magufuli
“It is just a simple matter of understanding that a global crisis such as this one calls for a global solution." Membe said adding that global and regional solutions require solidarity and collective approaches and strategies. 
He said, "We are seen as isolating ourselves, blaming and suspecting even our best friends on earth. We need to work together with the world to mitigate and resolve this pandemic."
Membe, a one time strong member of ruling party CCM said: "I am urging the President and Government to do so, we must change and spin with the world!”
He urged the country to fully comply with the requirements set by the WHO and follow the advice of experts.

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