

Thursday, May 21, 2020

“Coronavirus Pandemic is a ‘War’” – Tanzania President

By Osoro Nyawangah, DODOMA Tanzania

The President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, has said that coronavirus is a war, warning against acceptance of all types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) aids that are not tested and approved by Ministry of Health.

 President of Tanzania, John Magufuli

Speaking at the Dodoma State House during the swearing-in of Tanzania’s ambassadors to Mozambique, Kenya, Algeria as well as Deputy Minister for Health, President said that COVID-19 is within our community but we must take precaution in accepting free aids.

“We know that COVID-19 is here, this pandemic is a war and in a war there are various tactics; in the so called free contribution or aids the donor can provide you with virus-contaminated face masks.” He insisted.

Magufuli said that at this time that number of coronavirus patients are falling down (without giving data) is when enemies can sneak in with contaminated PPE, directing that all protective kits provided should be passed by the Ministry. “As we know, free things kill.” He said.

He recommended the Ministry of Health for close supervision of face-masks made by Tanzania Army and protective over-all jackets made by Muhimbili Hospital, insisting that all donor countries should provide financial assistance instead of kits.

The president who urged the citizens to adhere to the health directives in protecting oneself from  the virus, use the opportunity to announce re-opening of University colleges and sports activities especially football starting June 1st this year.

“We have decided that university colleges should re-open on June 1, 2020. The relevant ministry should make all necessary arrangements within these nine days so that when students return, they should have all their requirements, including loans for those who are eligible…I have announced well in advance so that you can prepare accordingly,” he said. Adding that A-Level students, preparing for their Form Six national examinations must also return to school the same day.

“As for other Secondary and Primary school students, we need time so we can see the trend of drop of infections. We will then give them time accordingly,” he said.

Talking of tourism, the President said that the season is opening in June and that the government is going to authorise passenger flights in and out of the country between May 27 and 28.

Magufuli who had clearly announced that country's economy is on the right path and will lift quarantine requirements for tourists in order to boost the economy said “I am informed that most of tourism flights to Tanzania are fully booked up to August, we cannot let this opportunity pass by.”

Tanzania government has been criticized for not implementing strict measures to curb the spread of the virus like neighbouring countries has stopped provision of daily new covid-19 cases since April 29. 

Last week, the United States Embassy in Tanzania warned its citizens that the risk of contracting coronavirus in Dar es Salaam, a major city and commercial port on Tanzania’s Indian Ocean coast and other regions is extremely high because it has not released COVID-19 data in several weeks.

Yesterday, Two Hundred British nationals were repatriated back to London from Tanzania following an advice by the country’s Foreign and the Commonwealth office, asking the UK nationals to return home from various countries in response to COOVID-19. - Africa

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