

Friday, May 15, 2020

Chinese businessmen donate 70,000 face masks to Kenya to curb COVID-19



Zhejiang Business Association Kenya, an association of Chinese business owners in Kenya, on Thursday donated 70,000 face masks to the government to help combat the COVID-19 outbreak.


Chen Jianbin, secretary-general of Zhejiang Business Association Kenya told journalists in Nairobi that COVID-19 is a global problem that will only be defeated through cooperation.


"With this donation, we hope to assist our Kenyan brothers and sisters to overcome COVID-19 which knows no borders," Chen said.


Zhejiang Business Association Kenya which was established in 2018 brings together over 60 locally owned businesses by people from Zhejiang province in China.


Chen also praised Kenyan government's strong leadership in containing the spread of the virus.


The donations will be disbursed to the various government departments including the health, immigration, police, University of Nairobi and the Kenya Investment Authority.


Lawrence Karanja, chief administrative secretary, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise Development, said that the donation is timely as it will compliment government efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus.


Karanja noted that assistance is an indication of the strong and cordial ties that exist between Kenya and China.


"We need friends like this who can help us in our time of need," Karanja noted. - Xinhua

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