

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


By Osoro Nyawangah, DODOMA Tanzania

Tanzania government has directed that all learning institutions shall remain closed indefinitely while suspending Union-day and May-day celebrations respectively due to increase of new covid-19 cases.

The directives have been made available here today by Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa (pictured), when presiding over the National Covid-19 Coordinating Committee.

All schools and colleges that were closed for one-month in March 17 this year following the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic were expected to reopen this week.

"The government has not directed the opening of learning institutions, therefore; all schools, colleges, sports and unnecessary gatherings shall remain closed until further notice." Majaliwa said.

He said four new covid-19 cases have been confirmed in the commercial city of Dar es Salaam making the total cases to 53.

The Prime Minister said that the President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, has suspended the April 26 'Tanganyika-Zanzibar Union' commemoration day and the May-day celebrations.
Tanzania Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa (L), talking to the country's Health Minister, Ummy Mwalimu in Dodoma today

"The President has suspended the national celebrations and that the 500 Million shillings ($216,178) budgeted for the 56th Union day shall be sent to support Zanzibar Island to fight covid-19" He said.

The Premier reiterated his call to development partners and private institutions to donate financial support to the government through the Covid-19 National Relief Fund.

"I call upon all Regional Commissioners and all government leaders to advocate on protective means of fighting covid-19 transmission in the community." He said adding that people should stay at home and avoid unreasonable gatherings.

The ministry of health has recorded three deaths from covid-19 with seven discharged cases, 590 contacts under follow-up and 84 people under mandatory quarantine.

Dar es Salaam city is the most hit region in Tanzania followed by tourist island of Zanzibar.

Tanzania does not have Civid-19 lockdown. Borders are still open for business, with strict testing and the 14-days quarantine to all arrivals - Africa

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