

Monday, April 13, 2020


By Osoro Nyawangah, Dar es Salaam TANZANIA
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Tanzania rose to 46 on Monday after 14 more people tested positive, the government has said.

In a press release made available by the country's Health Minister, Ummy Mwalimu (pictured),  today shows that one of those who tested positive is from tourist city of Arusha in the northern while others are from business city of Dar es Salaam.

“Today, we have received test results from the national community health laboratory and confirmed that fourteen more people have tested positive for coronavirus,” said Ummy in the statement.

She said that all patients are Tanzania citizens and are undergoing treatment in respective facilities adding that the health workers are closely following their contacts.

Ummy has reiterated the governments call for Tanzanians to take precautionary measures to protect themselves from contracting the virus by avoiding gathering and regular hand-wash. 

The government has defied call from opposition leaders and activists to closedown the country's borders, churches, mosques and local markets.

The ministry of health has recorded three deaths from covid-19 with seven discharged cases, 590 contacts unders follow-up and 84 people under mandatory quarantine. - Africa

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