

Thursday, April 2, 2020


By Staff Reporter
Coronavirus cases surpassed the one million mark globally on Thursday, April 2 as infections surge across the world.
The US, which tops the world with over 242,000 cases, recorded more than 20,000 new cases on Thursday alone, according to Worldometer.
Globally, at least 66,771 new cases were recorded on April 2 taking the cumulative total to over 1,001,000.
The novel coronavirus, which was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, has since spread to at least 204 countries and territories around the world.
Statistics by Worldometer show that 128.5 in a million people have caught the virus while 6.6 have died.
Recovered cases account for 20.9 per cent of all cases at 210,308 with total deaths at more than 51,400 by Thursday evening.
Of closed cases, 80 per cent are recoveries while the remaining 20 per cent account for deaths.
Epidemiologists and leaders have warned nations to brace for the worst wave especially in regions with the most fragile health systems.
The novel coronavirus fatality rate is estimated around 2 per cent by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The UN organ declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11.
Since then, the curve has turned exponentially upwards, forcing the world into a standstill with cities and countries announcing lockdowns.
The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system, causing coughing, difficulty in breathing, and high fever among other symptoms.
As of now, COVID-19 has no cure nor vaccine, but efforts in this regard are underway in earnest. - Africa

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