

Friday, February 21, 2020


Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has welcomed the slow but steady progress toward implementing a peace agreement signed a year ago by Central African Republic’s government and rebel groups.

While projecting optimism, the U.N chief said he is however “seriously concerned” about continuing hostilities and violence.
Guterres said in a report to the U.N. Security Council that “peace and stability in the Central African Republic remain fragile” and “the period ahead will indeed be challenging.”
“The international community and the impoverished country’s people “can and must” continue to move toward peace,” Guterres said.
Mineral-rich Central African Republic has faced deadly inter-religious and inter-communal fighting since 2013, when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in the capital, Bangui. Mostly Christian anti-Balaka militias fought back, resulting in the killing of thousands and the displacement of thousands.
The country saw a period of relative peace in late 2015 and 2016, but violence intensified and spread afterward.
In February 2019, the government signed a peace agreement with 14 armed groups, and Guterres said “violence has decreased overall” since then.
But he said intermittent serious incidents of violence and human rights violations have continued.
He noted a “persistent lack of good faith among the signatories,” including the three main ex-Seleka armed groups and anti-Balaka groups. He also pointed to “the nominal commitment” to the peace agreement, especially by government forces, which have contributed to delays in the deal’s implementation.
Guterres also cited the national government’s failure to meet the January 31 deadline to conclude the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation of rebel groups, adding that some armed groups continue to conduct illegal activities.
“The risk of fueling yet another cycle of conflict is too high and the implications too great for the people, the country and the region,” Guterres said. “The population has already borne the brunt of the conflict and the implications of a delayed peace.”
The U.N. envoy for Central African Republic, Mankeur Ndiaye, told the Security Council on Thursday that this year is an important “turning point” for the country, which is to hold elections for a new government in December.
Since the peace agreement was signed, Ndiaye said, violence has not only decreased significantly but the authority of the state has been “progressively and continuously extended.” Armed forces have been deployed to new areas and there has been progress in combating impunity and promoting justice, he said.

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