

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


By Our Correspondent, Gaborone BOTSWANA

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) says the US Embassy in Botswana is lying that corruption and failed economic policies are behind the economic challenges facing Zimbabwe.
US Ambassador to Botswana, Craig Lewis Cloud after meeting Dr Stergomena Tax in Gaborone Tuesday

The embassy says the sanctions remain in place because of the “human rights abuses and anti-democratic efforts” by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government.Yesterday, the US Ambassador to Botswana, Craig Lewis Cloud, invited SADC executive secretary Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax, to the embassy buildings in Gaborone where the two parties discussed “the root causes of U.S. sanctions in Zimbabwe”, according to a statement released by the US Embassy in Botswana.

The US Embassy in Botswana further said: “Ambassador Craig Cloud and Dr. Tax also discussed how failed economic policies and corruption have created the current economic crisis in Zimbabwe.”
The statement angered Dr. Tax, who immediately responded to it on Twitter and told the US Embassy in Botswana that it was pure lies.
“This was not part of what was discussed! (It) might be the position of the US Embassy, but definitely not SADC’s position,” Dr. Tax said.
The regional body insisted that Dr. Tax to Ambassador Cloud reiterated SADC’s call for the immediate removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe and the need to further engage on reforms that will see a recovery of country’s economy.
The regional body has always stood in solidarity with Zimbabwe regarding the issue of sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States government.
On the 25th of October last year, SADC held solidarity marches in member states to build regional momentum in the region for the call for lifting of sanctions. SADC also insists the sanctions hurt not only Zimbabwe, but the region as well.
Meanwhile, Ambassador Cloud says he impressed upon Dr. Tax that the United States is the biggest bilateral donor to Zimbabwe.
“Ambassador Cloud explained to Dr Tax that the U.S. remains the largest bilateral donor to Zimbabwe, providing well over $3 billion in support since independence,” said the US Embassy in Botswana.

Zimbabweans who responded to the statement by the US envoy called for the lifting of sanctions, saying Zimbabwe needed economic space to develop herself and not aid. - Africa

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