

Friday, January 17, 2020


By Mathabiso Ralengau, MASERU Lesotho
Lesotho’s Prime Minister said he intends to step down, following increased calls for his resignation over the murder of his second wife, which police have linked to the woman he married a little over two months later.

Thomas Thabane, 80 (pictured), was inaugurated as Prime Minister of the tiny African mountain kingdom two days after his second wife was shot in June 2017.
His decision to resign was announced by Communications Minister Thesele Maseribane on Thursday.
Earlier this month, court documents showed that the country’s police chief asked Thabane to clarify why his mobile phone number was linked to the crime scene, naming Thabane’s current wife, Maesiah Thabane, as a suspect in the killing.
Thabane had issued a notice to replace the police chief but withdrew it after the Lesotho High Court intervened.
Maesiah has been on the run since the police issued an arrest warrant last week. Neither she nor her husband have commented on the murder case.
The opposition on Wednesday said it would organize protests if Thabane doesn’t resign within seven days, while a faction within his All Basotho Convention also urged him to step down.
Lesotho, a mountain state encircled by South Africa, three-quarters of which lies more than 1,800 metres above sea level, is one of the world’s poorest countries and has one of Africa’s highest levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence the highest murder rates on the continent.

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