

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Former Zanzibar Attorney General (AG), Abubakar Khamis Bakary

By Our Correspondent, Pemba ZANZIBAR

The registration for the Zanzibar Residence ID has taken another twist after the former Zanzibar Attorney General (AG), Abubakar Khamis Bakary expressed interest to seek the Identification Card (ID) through court.

Bakary who served the government as Deputy Chief Justice and former minister of Legal Affairs believes that the court is the only organ that will provide him with the document after the ruling authorities have failed to do so.

He made the statement on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 when addressing a press conference to provide assessment on grievances facing citizens who support opposition party in the process of securing the document.

The Zanzibar ID enables citizens to register in the Zanzibar Electoral Commissions registry slated to kick off from January 18, 2020 and those without it will not be registered.

Bakary who now chairs the opposition party (ACT-Wazalendo) ethical committee said he registered himself for the document at the Micheweni District, North Pemba Region.

“I reported at the offices at the date set for collection of the document, just to be told to report two days later. When I returned at the offices, I was told that my name was completely missing in the system,” he said.

“I will not accept to be denied with this legal right stipulated in Section 7 of 2005 demanding every Zanzibari to be provided with the ID. Therefore, I insist that I will seek for the ID in court” he added.

Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) is an opposition political party in Tanzania that received its permanent registration in May 2014. It is the strongest opposition party in Zanzibar and the third stronger in Tanzania mainland. - Africa

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