

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Vocal Kenyan opposition politician, Dr. Miguna Miguna is stranded in Frankfurt, Germany
By Our Correspondent, NAIROBI Kenya

The Kenyan government on Monday said it would facilitate the return of vocal opposition politician, into the country, following court orders to that effect.

Despite government assurances to facilitate his return in a document from the Immigration authorities, the politician is blaming the government for playing hid-and-seek with his return.
Miguna posted on Twitter Tuesday morning from Berlin that he had been stranded in Berlin because of a government red alert to Lufthansa warning them to not carry him on a scheduled flight. Government denied the claim.
“I’m exploring all my options. I’ll communicate when and how I will travel to Kenya later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, I urge all my supporters, freedom fighters and genuine human rights defenders to remain focused and unbowed. Mobilize for a huge homecoming to shame the despots,” he tweeted.
It is the latest twist for forcibly exiled Miguna whose headaches started after his role in the symbolic inauguration of then opposition leader Raila Odinga in January 2018, he was deported in February that year. His attempt to return on March 26, 2018 was not successful.

“This is to confirm that in compliance with the court orders issued on December 14, 2018, the directorate will facilitate Dr Miguna’s entry into Kenya,’‘Director of Immigration Alexander Muteshi said in a statement on Monday.

Justice Weldon Korir ordered authorities to facilitate Miguna’s re-entry on the basis of his identification through his national identity card or his withheld Kenyan passport.
Miguna had filed the application last week, stating that he was due to return to the country on January 7, aboard Lufthansa flight LH 590.
Government spokesperson Colonel (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna had earlier confirmed that Miguna would be allowed to return to the country, as long as he has valid travel documents.

“The head of state made a pronouncement that he is free to come back. That is still the government’s position. Had new realities or dynamics emerged after the head of state spoke, they would have been made public,’‘Oguna said.
“He must have valid travel documents like any other Kenyan or traveller.’‘
Oguna was referring to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s remarks last week, when he said every Kenyan has a right to freedom of expression.
‘‘I have heard that some people are now planning to fly into the country. Let them come because that is their freedom,’‘Kenyatta said in what was seen as a veiled reference to Miguna.
Miguna has issued several demands ahead of his return to Kenya including granting his lawyer ‘full access to all immigration and port of entry areas, where he will be processed’.

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