

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Kinshasa, DRC

Students at the Kinshasa University campus were given a 24-hour ultimatum by police in the Democratic Republic of Congo to vacate their hostels following deadly clashes over the hiking of tuition fees by almost double.

The clashes erupted on Monday after students were outraged over the hiking of fees for the current academic year to 485,000 Congolese francs ($285) from 253,000 Congolese francs (about $150) the previous academic year. The students prefer the 164,000 Congolese francs ($96) set by the Ministry of Higher Education.

One policeman was killed and two others were injured in the confrontation that saw the university closed by the government.

The Chief of Staff to President Felix Tshisekedi, Vital Kamerhe, blamed infiltrators and not the students for the policeman’s killing, according to local media outlet, news site.

The police’s ultimatum follows one issued by the government on Tuesday giving students two days to leave and also end their protests against the move.

A statement by the police said it will use “all legal means” to clear the campus should any student still be found having been given the chance to voluntarily leave.

The statement added that any student found on the grounds will be considered as an enemy of the state in league with those accused of the killing of the policeman.

AFP reported that some students had already begun leaving the campus while local media reported that some students were concerned they will have to sleep in the streets as they live very far away.

According to Kamerhe, Tshisekedi will meet a group of students at his next cabinet meeting scheduled for Friday to discuss the dispute.

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