

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Abyssine Miniunga, internally displaced on an islet in the middle of the Congo River near Yumbi, poses near her shelter for a photograph on January 28, 2019.

By Our Staff Correspondent, Kinshasa DRC
Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo have not brought to justice those responsible for the massacres of ethnic Banunu in Yumbi territory one year ago.
On December 16 and 17, 2018, hundreds of ethnic Batende assailants killed at least 535 people and wounded 111 more, though the actual death toll is most likely much higher. The assailants also damaged, destroyed, and pillaged more than 1,500 houses as well as health centers, schools, and polling places, according to witnesses, the United Nations, and the Congolese government.
“The Congolese government needs to do much more to hold accountable those responsible for the Yumbi massacres last year,” said Lewis Mudge, Central Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Prosecuting the people who planned these attacks will provide justice for victims and their families and help prevent future atrocities in this volatile region.”
Congolese military justice officials have begun preliminary proceedings, but they are closed to the public and the status of the investigations is uncertain.
Human Rights Watch investigated the massacres in Yumbi territory in the country’s northwest and in Makotimpoko sub-prefecture, Congo-Brazzaville, in February, and interviewed over 100 people, including survivors, witnesses, police, military personnel, and government officials.
The UN joint human rights office in Congo also documented the attacks in March, as did Congo’s National Commission on Human Rights and a Human Rights Ministry commission in May, and the UN secretary general-appointed Group of Experts on Congo in June.
The ostensible cause of the violence was the secret burial of a Banunu customary chief on private land claimed by the Batende on the night of December 14, said Batende leaders and a UN report. The region has long experienced rivalries between the two groups over customary land rights.
Hundreds of Batende villagers, including demobilized and retired soldiers, attacked the town of Yumbi on December 16 and Nkolo II and Bongende villages, further south, on December 17.
Many attackers were bare-chested, adorned with banana leaf skirts, ash on their faces, and other attire considered to have magical properties. Some were armed with hunting rifles or automatic weapons, while others carried machetes, knives, fishing spears, axes, bows and arrows, and clubs.
The UN Group of Experts reported that the assailants targeted their victims based on their ethnicity or perceived ties to Banunu, while sparing others. The attackers sometimes mutilated and disfigured their victims, including women and children, and took body parts with them.
Attackers used gasoline to torch homes and other structures, looting and carting away victims’ belongings.
A 40-year-old teacher who lost 22 members of his extended family told Human Rights Watch that many people “fled toward the riverbed…. Many were wounded by machete.
Others had already been killed, their arms cut off. Pregnant women were cut open and had their genitals cut out. It was terrible. Lots of small children were wounded and killed by machete.”
About 16,000 people from the Yumbi area fled to the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), about 15 kilometers across the Congo River. A year later, about half had returned to Congo. Another 20,000 were displaced internally.
The UN Group of Experts, the UN joint human rights office, and the government in two reports concluded that local Batende leaders planned and organized the attacks. In addition, two confidential reports that Human Rights Watch reviewed, one from the government and one from the military, also found that local leaders assisted in the planning and execution of the attacks.
One local Batende chief has since been arrested. Other evidence of planning included barriers along the main road from Yumbi that the assailants erected at least five days before the attacks to prevent people and supplies from entering Banunu neighborhoods.
A burned house in Bongende village, Yumbi territory, on the banks of the Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, January 27, 2019.
Congo’s military justice officials began investigating the Yumbi killings shortly after the massacres and arrested scores of suspected assailants over the next few months. The principal suspects were transferred to Kinshasa, Congo’s capital. About 50 suspected assailants remain in pretrial detention, but no trials have taken place.
“It’s a huge disappointment,” said a Banunu resident of Bongende who lost 30 family members. “One year after these massacres, we still have not seen a trial and many of our attackers are moving freely around Yumbi territory.”
Judicial authorities should conduct their investigations transparently, impartially, and promptly, and the military prosecutor should make its preliminary report public, Human Rights Watch said.
The government should request technical support, including forensic assistance, from the experts mandated by the UN Human Rights Council to support such investigations.
The military prosecutor should transfer appropriate cases to the civilian courts, keeping in line with the UN Human Rights Committee, the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which has stated that civilians should be tried by military courts only under exceptional circumstances and only under conditions that genuinely afford full due process.
After the attacks, UN peacekeepers maintained a small presence in the territory, but withdrew in March. The Congolese government should reinforce the military presence in Yumbi with well-trained police to develop a long-term strategy to enhance security in the area.
The government, with international assistance, should provide necessary health care and psychosocial support to survivors. They should reconstruct schools and health centers and seek foreign assistance for humanitarian agencies to rebuild and repair homes, with a view to facilitating the safe and voluntary return of those displaced.
“One year on, the families of more than 500 victims are desperate for justice,” Mudge said. “The government should abide by its obligations to the dead and wounded and their families, and fully investigate and prosecute those who planned and carried out the Yumbi massacres.”
Yumbi is one of eight territories in the Mai-Ndombe province in western Congo. The ethnic community of Batende is the majority in 33 of Yumbi’s 38 towns and villages, mostly situated in the interior, where their livelihoods depend largely on subsistence farming.
The ethnic Banunu live mostly along the Congo River, where they primarily engage in fishing. The Banunu are the majority in the territorial capital of Yumbi, located along the river, as well as in neighboring Nkolo II and Bongende.
While Mai-Ndombe has been largely peaceful in recent decades, longstanding grievances between the Batende and Banunu concerning changing administrative demarcations and customary and political leadership have occasionally sparked violent confrontations.
The tensions in Yumbi territory stem in part from a 1943 decision by the Belgian colonial administration that gave some of the land previously controlled by Batende customary leaders to the Banunu.
The fight over land is often a top issue during elections in rural areas, with constituencies largely voting for members of their own ethnic group, whom they believe will protect their interests and access to land. In the Yumbi region, elections have been flashpoints for violence. Clashes broke out during both the 2006 and 2011 elections.
Several Banunu told Human Rights Watch that tensions between the two communities mounted prior to elections scheduled for December 30, 2018.
On December 2, the leader of Yumbi’s Banunu community, Fedor Mantoma, died in Kinshasa. A controversy broke out between members of the Banunu and the Batende communities about Mantoma’s place of burial, with the Banunu contending that he should be buried on private property in town – on what some Batende claimed was their land – while Batende insisted he should be buried in the town cemetery.
This appears to have exacerbated tensions, according to the UN, the National Human Rights Commission, and civil society leaders in Yumbi. Some Batende warned of attacks if the burial took place in the private plot.
Banunu leaders in the town of Yumbi and Bongende called on the population, including Batende, to respect rituals as they grieved the chief’s death. Mantoma was secretly buried in a family plot in Yumbi town during the night of December 14. Batende politicians in Kinshasa told Human Rights Watch that the burial provoked local Batende to initiate deadly attacks on Banunu the next day.
Batende assailants attacked Yumbi and the villages of Bongende and Nkolo II on December 16 and 17. The worst killings and destruction were in Bongende. Some Banunu tried to defend their villages but were neither prepared nor equipped to repel hundreds of assailants armed with firearms and crude weapons.
The UN joint human rights office reported that assailants killed at least 528 people during the 3 attacks and an additional 7 people during an attack at a logging company workers camp called Camp Nbanzi.
Two navy sailors in Nkolo II and one navy sailor in Bongende were also killed. The actual toll is most likely much higher, given that some people were burned beyond recognition in their homes and others were thrown in the Congo River or drowned while trying to flee.
Following the massacres, assailants and residents of nearby villages looted Banunu homes. - Africa 

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