

Friday, August 23, 2019


By Our Reporter, Dar es Salaam TANZANIA

One of Tanzania government owned passenger airplane has been impounded in Johannesburg, South Africa for unknown case government has said.
Boeing 787 Dreamliner with 240 seats
The Air Tanzania Corporation Limited launched its maiden flight to Johannesburg South Africa from Julius Nyerere International airport in June this year flying the newly acquired Airbus 220-300 aircraft.

According to the government press release this evening, the plane that was supposed to fly from Oliver Thambo International airport in Johannesburg today could not take off due to a court order.

In the press release signed by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Leonard Chamuriho, confirmed that the plane has been confiscated through a court order from high court of Gauteng in South Africa.

"According to the government information received from our ambassador in South Africa, our plane has been impounded through a Gauteng high court order in Johannesburg". He confirmed adding that the Attorney General's office is taking appropriare measures to have the plane released and continue its schedulled operation.
The Minister for Works, Transport
and communication, Isack Kamwelwe
Chamuriho apologized to the passegers who were scheduled to fly to Tanzania for the inconveniences caused by the cancellation of flight. "The Minister for Works, Transport and communication apologizes to our esteemed passengers who were supposed to fly from Oliver Thambo International  airport to Tanzania for the inconveniences caused by cancellation of the flight". Said Chamuriho.

The Air Tanzania authority has changed some of its flight schedules. in a twitter message @AirTanzania issued this morning, the authority has apologized for the unforeseeable circumstances. "Dear customers, due to  unforeseeable circumstances we profoundly regret to inform you that we expect flight schedule adjustments. We sincerely apologize for all inconveniences this might cause to you travel plans"

The first of Air Tanzania’s four weekly flights between South Africa and the East African nation took to the skies from Oliver Tambo International Airport on June 28  2019 after more than 10 years.

Air Tanzania has since been operating two types of aircraft on the route, a Boeing 787 Dream-liner with 240 seats and an Airbus A220 with 120 seats; it is still not clear which aircraft has been impounded.

Apart from operational direct flight from Dar es Salaam to Mumbai India Air Tanzania has received landing slots for the launch of flights to London's Gatwick Airport.
In preparations for the launch of flights to the United Kingdom later this year, next to resolve for the airline will be other related licences and the process is already underway.
The carrier is planning to operate three flights a week, using B787 Dream-liner, to fly from Dar es Salaam via Kilimanjaro to Gatwick, every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
At present, Air Tanzania has to meet European Union safety standards though, should BREXIT happen on October 31, it would be the British authorities to process the application.

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