

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


By Our Correspondent, Biarritz, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FRANCE

China has today, expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to a statement from the Group of Seven (G7) summit that referenced the current Hong Kong affairs.

 The country’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Geng Shuang, made the remarks one day after the group issued a short statement on topics including the Hong Kong affairs.

China has reiterated that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, which brook no interference by any foreign government or organization, Geng said.

Geng pointed out that the violence in Hong Kong over the past two months has seriously influenced Hong Kong's social order, economic activities and its international image. He urged the members of the G7 to stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs.

"We will handle our own affairs", Geng told the reporters.

Regarding the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Geng reiterated that the aim of signing the declaration is to ensure China resumes the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and administers Hong Kong based on the national Constitution and the Basic Law, warning foreign government and organization not to use the declaration as an excuse to interfere in Hong Kong affairs.

Hong Kongers have long lived a freer, more cosmopolitan lifestyle than most Chinese, and prejudice against mainlanders is pervasive. Free speech and an independent press are enshrined in the Basic Law that has governed the city since the handover. They’re proud of their distinct cuisine and language, speaking Cantonese rather than the Mandarin more common in greater China.

But critics fear that China’s encroachment may bring an end to all that. Beijing might use the law to nab opponents and submit them to its notoriously opaque justice system, they say. 

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